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Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined

I had the privilege of working with the extremely talented guys over at FXitinPost. :)

Star Wars Sc 38 Reimagined
(Unofficial short scene)

"Scene 38 ReImagined" is about the final confrontation between Ben Kenobi & Darth Vader in "A New Hope" nearly 20 years after the events of "Revenge Of The Sith." This is a one-off story driven scene reflecting the characters in its chronological order from the point of Revenge of the Sith through Rebels, Rogue One, and all canon material leading to A New Hope.

VFX Supervisor - Christopher Clements
Director, Cast & Crew info coming soon along with BTS.
For questions about the film, email

DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial, non-profit
“REIMAGINED SHORT SCENE,” not intended for commercial use. This was made strictly for Entertainment purposes, as well as VFX & Camera testing. All story, characters, likeness & sound, are the property of Walt Disney/LucasFilm’s.

Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined

Scene 38 Reimagined - Behind the Scenes

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

Some early test shots I did of the corridor environments I modeled for the film.

I was also working to get the main corridor area done to include in the film, however I had a very tight schedule, so was unable to get this done in time. Here is a WIP of that area.

I was also working to get the main corridor area done to include in the film, however I had a very tight schedule, so was unable to get this done in time. Here is a WIP of that area.